Me-Where did you get such a cute little nose?
End of conversation. So cute. I think she gets it, to some degree, that God made her, and that's great. I think, that when we realize that we're God created, in his image, we start to feel better about ourselves, because after all, God doesn't make mistakes.
Psalm 139:13-14
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
I need to learn from my daughter, who loves herself and knows she's fabulous, but not in an arrogant or conceited way, she just seems to understand that God made her and God is good, so she is inherently a good creation. So why do so many adults struggle with self image and feel so dissatisfied with who they are? So many people I know feel like they'd be better people if they were just a little smarter, or funnier, or braver, or better looking, or thinner, or more outgoing, or more reserved, or more sensible, or more laid back. If we could just tweak a thing or two here and there, then maybe we'd be acceptable to ourselves. But we are exactly who God made us to be. We're equipped with the personality traits God wanted us to have, and we look exactly the way God wanted us to look, and we have the very talents God wanted us to use. According to his design, we're perfect as is, so why are we constantly striving for change?
Ironically enough, this blog is about my desire for change in my life! But, I'm talking about good change, GOD change, making a shift in my life from doing things my way (which historically hasn't worked out all that well), do doing things His way, which has already greatly improved my world and how I look at it.
And making the change in my mind to believe that I am already good enough for God, and not getting hung up on changing the traits and attributes I was designed to have, will be challenging for me.
Philippians 4:13 says
13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
So I want to start thinking like Avery, who knows her nose is precious and why. She knows she's smart, she knows she's clever and she knows she incredibly loved. She knows about God and that He made and loves her, and she's content with being a wonderful creation of His. I want that too.
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